HADAAF is a non-governmental, non for profit and non-sectarian Afghan NGO founded in March 2004 and legally registered with the Ministry of Economy in 2006. Since its inception, HADAAF has been implementing programs in different sectors such as; health, education, livelihood, emergency response, and community’s social development mostly in hard to reach areas of Afghanistan. Under its programs, HADAAF is targeting the most vulnerable communities; such as marginalized women and children, people with disabilities, internal and external displaced populations in different parts of the country. HADAAF has adopted a strategic approach of partnership and collaboration throughout its program implementation. Thus far, HAFAAF has implementing projects/programs in partnership with Mop, IMC, UNICEF, WHO, Save the Children International, Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, Johanniter and Cordaid in Nuristan, Uruzgan, Farah, Faryab, Herat, Ghor, Kunar, Laghman, Nangarhar, Balkh, Khost and Kabul provinces. This collaborative approach has enabled HADAAF to get access to hard-to-reach areas and provide quality service delivery.
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